Well, you all know of my last year regular dates for yoga and green juice with my dear friend Denise. As the spring returns and I begin to go and enjoy my green juice or smoothie outside once again, I think back to those days with a happy smile on my face. Oh, well, we still meet, but not as regularly as I am not at home during the week so much and she is super busy with her new web-based business 'The Raw Brides'. She is also VERY busy plotting her escape from dirty busy crazy old London, and that's where you all (hopefully) come into it.
Tuesday, April 13
Support for the Green Queen
Well, you all know of my last year regular dates for yoga and green juice with my dear friend Denise. As the spring returns and I begin to go and enjoy my green juice or smoothie outside once again, I think back to those days with a happy smile on my face. Oh, well, we still meet, but not as regularly as I am not at home during the week so much and she is super busy with her new web-based business 'The Raw Brides'. She is also VERY busy plotting her escape from dirty busy crazy old London, and that's where you all (hopefully) come into it.
Saturday, April 3
Repairing the Cooked Husband
Wednesday, December 16
Winter in the Raw
Friday, August 14
More garden gifts
Wednesday, August 12
Uncooked dinner for Cooked Husband
Tuesday, August 11
The International Green Smoothie day
Yes, there actually is such a day. You cannot buy a card for it, although you could make one if you wanted to, and not everybody knows about it just yet. But what with all these raw girlies blogging away about it, who knows next year? And maybe the year after Halmark will print some juicy cards, you just never know. But this is your chance to join in the green smoothie revolution ahead of everybody else.
Tuesday, August 4
Another amazing free teleseminar with my favourite Raw Food Coach
Soon after I have first started playing and experimenting with raw food, I have come accross the Raw Food Coach, Karen Knowler. I joined her programme 30 days to raw and discovered, as many people did before me, that this is not only about raw food; raw food is just the beginning. Tomorrow I am joining her new teleseminar where she will share with us how to take this lifestyle to a completely new level. Whether you are experienced raw foodist looking for ways to progress with not only your diet but your life and your life fullfillment or you are completely new to raw food ways, check out the following info. If it sounds good to you, join me tomorrow evening at 9.00 pm UK time for her completely free teleclass. It is going to be amazing! Sign in here or read on for more info.
The 7 Must-Know Steps To Take Your Raw Food Journey To The Stars – And Beyond!
Have you ever felt dazed and confused over the conflicting opinions raging among the raw food teachers and “gurus” out there? I know I have, and it really doesn’t help us does it?
With so many different approaches, coaches, classes and courses out there, all giving conflicting or confusing advice, even if you really want to step into the raw food world with all the best intentions and will in the world, you end up having no idea where to start!
Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach, has been in the raw food community for over 17 years and has seen how crazy it can get. In a previous life Karen used to host many of the world’s leading raw food educators year-after-year in London (she used to run The Fresh Network and created Get Fresh! magazine), but she saw that as much as people became inspired and fascinated by the raw food journey, they also became increasingly confused, lost and... disempowered.
As a result of witnessing this and creating an approach to raw food that was much more fluid, fun and realistic than what was generally being taught, Karen vowed many years ago to put each person back into the driving seat of their own diet and destiny - and that’s what she’s been doing for over a decade.
And now she’s taking it to a whole new level.
Over the past year especially, Karen’s name has become synonymous with a whole new way of approaching raw food that anyone can do. Karen believes passionately that there is not “one way” to do raw food and that by being honest and intuitive around our food choices we can find a way of eating raw that works for us and our life on every level – one that’s juicy, compelling and rewarding for us.
But more than that, Karen has been teaching that raw food is “all about the food and yet nothing about the food” – and as ironic as that sounds, I have to agree, she’s right! Raw food opens us up to so much more than we think food can ever do, but it does for sure, and Karen has a wonderful what of explaining and articulating this than perhaps anyone else in the raw food arena.
Over the past few months Karen has been perfecting all the key facets of the work she’s been sharing for years. She’s preparing to go big with her message and I don’t doubt that she will make it happen.
And what she’s doing this coming Wednesday, before she starts working hard on her forthcoming book, is to share with us – for FREE – her latest discoveries, namely “The 7 Must-Know Steps to Take Your Raw Food Journey to the Stars – And Beyond”
In what promises to be her most compelling free seminar to date (you just need a phone or internet connection to attend), Karen is about to share, for the first time, what these seven steps are, and I for one can’t wait!
Tomorrow, on Wednesday August 5th, Karen will reveal what these 7 Steps and much more.
And, while it is an exciting preview of her Raw Transformation Experience LIVE Event happening this August 27-29, 2009 and her brand new life-changing Living Magically on Raw coaching program, she promises you'll also get 3 POTENT ideas that you can use right away to start your journey to “raw heaven” from this free call.
You can find out all about it and register here. I’ll be there for sure and I hope to hear you on the call.
I can’t wait to hear what she shares! Let me know if you enjoy it.