Sunday, March 15

Le weekend struggle

So I have reached the point now when I want to eat some 'normal' food. It is my first real crisis, as I would call it, and my first reaction to it is that it is not really real, that it is something else going on. Emotional stuff? I also suspect that I haven't been drinking enough of my green smoothies and juices every day to get enough calories in me, as I have been feeling really quite hungry for most of the day, but I was somehow lacking any motivation to go, squeeze some fruit and consume the scrumy juice. What is going on???

We spent the weekend with Cooked Husband's parents and perhaps the change of scenery and not being in my own space threw me out of balance a little bit. I did not sleep very well and I felt cold, and the whole Sunday I felt tired and de-motivated. I ran out of maple syrup and forgot to buy lemons, so I could not make Master Cleanse, my savior and my inner heating helper so far. In short, a lack of preparation has caused me a lot of grief this weekend... What can I say? Learn from my own mistake and try harder, that's what I say!

Just a short post today due to all the reasons mentioned above. Have to go and immerse my body in a bath full of steaming hot water with some yummy smelling salts and then will eat a huge plateful of fresh juicy sweet watermelon, my most favourite food in the whole world!

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