I woke up early again today, despite not sleeping very well last night; I felt cold for what seemed like hours. Must remember the hot water bottle tonight for the feet. I also woke up feeling very hungry. And dehydrated. It is quite difficult to make sure I drink enough water while my food is liquidy as well, as it seems to me that I am drinking all the time. I must remember to have enough pure water every day.
I made a lovely fruit salad for Cooked Husband's breakfast - apples, pears, plums, blueberries and as a special treat a dragon fruit - and then I whizzed my half with a bit of water in a blender. I strained it through a nut milk (very fine mesh) bag, which resulted in the loveliest pinky coloured juice. Love in a glass!
Pink juice
a few tiny pieces of dragon fruit
I went for a yoga class later in the morning, and it was one of the best classes I have ever took. Focussed on deep breathing the entire 90 minutes, it left me deeply peaceful, content and calm. I left envelopped in a protective bubble that lasted the rest of the day. As I write this, I am still feling very serene, almost too much so to type. I picked my lunch in the local branch of Crush juice bar. It was called Green Goodess. I planned on sipping it slowly, but it was so delicious, it disappeared within a few minutes.
Juicy lunch:
aloe vera
The rest of the day passed in a whirl of the usual Saturday at home activities of cleaning, supermarket shopping and then helping Cooked Husband actually cook dinner. We have a friend staying and so he was making his signature dish, veggie chilli sin carne. Unfortunatelly for me, it was just too good, and I ended up having some. I am very sorry to all my readers (so far to the one, actually) for stepping of my chosen path so, and I will endeavour to not do it again. I want to experience the power of living without solid food, the cleansing and rejuvenating effects, and also the feeling of lightness when my stomach does not have to work hard on digesting things like beans. I want to experience it for myself and I want to be able to write about it here.
So here is to the new beginnings, I am rising a mug of fruit tea to you.
1 comment:
The pink colour is so pretty!
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