Well, something is definitely going on in my body because I woke up feeling not so great today. Quite yucky, actually. My back and the joints in my hands were achey and stiff, my head felt like it was cracked, and my mouth felt bleagh! I got up early just so I could clean it with my beloved tongue scraper.
Have you heard about this amazing thing yet? If you haven't and you do not have one, don't worry. There is no need to go hunting for one and spending money (unless you want to, of course) as you can also use a large spoon. Basically, before or after you have brushed your teeth, just stick your tongue out of your mouth - and look at it. If it is reddish pink with nothing on it, I would venture a guess that you are either a small baby, or you have been eating and drinking and living extremely healthily for some time. For the rest of us, there is a layer of usually white-ish substance that tends to cover the surface of the tongue. Mmmmm? - I know! Grab your tongue scraper or the spoon, and just draw it alongside either side of the tongue from the back forward. Rinse mouth, rinse tool, done. It takes literally about 5 seconds to do, and you are going to feel sooooo much betteeeer!!! You might also accidentally become more kissable! And don't get scared if you do this in the evening and you had a green smoothie for dinner beforehand - of course it is going to be GREEN!
6 small pears
large handful of baby spinach
I realised this morning that I no longer feel self conscious about drinking vividly green coloured stuff in front of Cooked Husband, and he seems to have accepted the situation as well. Needless to say, he is not exactly asking me to make him one! (Not yet, anyway...)
2 apples
2 bananas
2 large handfuls of baby spinach
This was a yummy smelling smoothie, very creamy and light and clean and fluffy. I enjoyed it tremendously. It is a sad fact that I did succumbed to the lure of a cappuccino, when I met my friend Louise for a girlfriends' catch up, accompanied by blueberry muffin. Well, I am guilty as charged, but at least I enjoyed it. I am having a green savoury smoothie dinner and lots of water, so I am already back on track. I am very positive that these 'slips' will happen less and less in the near future, because once I start seeing the effects of this fresh green diet my motivation will soar! I am also telling everyone I know that Juice Feast starts tomorrow, so hopefully they will all be supportive.
1 cucumber
2 tomatoes
small bunch of watercress
small bunch of parsley
only a little bit of water
to make soupy consistency
finely chopped red onion for decoration
1 comment:
Gorgeous picture and thanks for the tip about the spoon as tongue scraper - I was going to buy one, but won't now
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