I feel very lucky for having so many wonderful, generous and loving friends in my life. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am not one of those people who have thousands of 'friends' on Facebook or Twitter. But all those that are there have a very firm spot in my heart!
Well, that is it for today's philosophy...
I really just wanted to express some gratitude for a lovely morning I spent yogaing and chatting with my friend Denise. I am very much aware of how important my girlfriends are for me, what a difference they make in my life. And man-friends, of course, if such a word exists - and is not rude, that is.
Breakfast for two yoginis:
1 pineapple
1 pear
little bit of fresh mint
big handful baby spinach
fresh juice, oh what a treat,
which Denise made at home
and brought with her,
made from apples and celery
I have shamelessly spent the whole day hidden at home, reading, blogging, writing and searching the Internet for new inspiration. My new favourite website is the freshly new Czech raw foodists forum Freshness.cz, started and run by an amazing young Czech man. He did an excellent job and I am very proud to be a part of that community. I created a link, just in case you are a Czech speaker, or, of course, just in case you are curious!
juice from
3 red grapefruits
5 tangerines
blended with
2 t powdered barley grass
1 T flax oil
I had to decorate this with a bright orangey-pink strawberry, because that colour is plain weird, but it tasted quite alright. Really rather yummy. But then again, I AM a heath nut, as someone commented on Twitter recently!
Many mugs of fruit tea and Master Cleanse filled my afternoon, and then I had the breakfast green smoothie leftover for dinner. I had to have a lot of energy for the Tuesday Pub Quiz, mentally and physically. They serve sandwiches (and yummy lettuce leaves, that other people think are decoration but which are - possibly unsurprisingly -my personal favourite) during the break, and I wanted to be sure I would resist them. So I packed a fruit tea bag in my handbag, as I suspected they would not have this in a pub, and hoped for the best...
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